Join the witty and wise Miss Florence Nightingale as she shows you a new way to think about healthcare – from the way you thought it was, to the way it may become. This character portrayal by award-winning actor and author Dr. Candy Campbell provides a delightful presentation of thought-provoking fun and poignant exploration of our current state of health, based on Nightingale’s writings.

This performance – presented in cooperation with Harford Community College – will take place at HCC’s Chesapeake Theater on Wednesday, October 19 at 7 pm. General admission is $5. HCC students admitted free. 

Visit or call 443-412-2211 for tickets. 

For more information on Dr. Campbell, please visit

This special presentation is part of Dr. Kelly’s Liriodendron: Life, Legacy & Community – a year-long series of programs, supported by The Dresher Foundation, which explores the interests and influences of Dr. Howard Atwood Kelly – world-renowned surgeon, naturalist, philanthropist, and author, and one of the founders of Johns Hopkins Medical School and Hospital.

This performance – a collaboration between The Liriodendron Foundation and Harford Community College –  is made possible in part by grants from the Maryland State Arts Council and The Dresher Foundation, and by the Hilton Garden Inn.